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Data Classifica... What?

Not sure what type your data is? Do you know how to store it correctly? And do you share it with others in a secure way? Then you've come to the right place! Read more about how to classify your information so it's handled correctly on this page.

To personer arbejder sammen om en computer og en notesbog.

Data Classifica... What?

Not sure what type your data is? Do you know how to store it correctly? And do you share it with others in a secure way? Then you've come to the right place! Read more about how to classify your information so it's handled correctly on this page.

To personer arbejder sammen om en computer og en notesbog.

Data Classification

What, why and when?

Four data types at AAU

Looking for a more comprehensive overview of data types?

If you find that the information you are working with contains more than one data type, always follow the instructions for the highest level of your information.

Data Classification

Cheat Sheet

Need to get things done quickly? And don't have time to immerse yourself in data classification? Here you'll find a quick overview of some of the most common types of information we work with at AAU and the data type they belong to.

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Data Classification

Cheat Sheet

Need to get things done quickly? And don't have time to immerse yourself in data classification? Here you'll find a quick overview of some of the most common types of information we work with at AAU and the data type they belong to.

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Where should I store my data?

Here's how to use the model: 1) Find out what type your data is. 2) Find the system or service you want to use to store your data. 3) Check if the system or service is authorised for use with your data type.

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Generative AI and Security

Generative AI tools are everywhere - here you can read more about how generative AI and security interact. You can also learn more about some of the most common AI products and what kind of data you can use with them.

Read more about generative AI and security